A Stunning Way To Stock Market Covid Recovery – How the stock market has evolved one year since Covid hit!


Stock Market Covid Recovery

Global COVID Recovery and Stock Markets!

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Stock Market Covid Recovery: How the stock market has evolved one year since Covid hit!

Hi Everyone,

It’s a great COVID recovery called Stock Market Covid Recovery. Data that we are seeing going forward, we are finally moving out of covid.

I said this before, and I will say it again “as more countries start vaccinating their populations, the faster and better the recovery is going to be.”

It is a fact. If you look at the market return as of June 4th, 2021, more of the 114 global markets on the planet. 87.5 of them are on the Positive, Green, UpTick side.

Only 12 of them are on the Red, Negative side. So what’s that’s a great recovery if you look at it globally.  

Source Tradingeconomics.com

Globally Vaccinated Capital Markets and YTD!

About 5.96% or about 6% of the population globally has been vaccinated. Those fastest recoveries. If you look at Mongolia, 76.65 YTR returns, with Highest Returns on the Planet in Capital Market.

47.3% of its population is vaccinated, or about 1.53 million people out of 3.4 million total population are vaccinated.    

They have almost half their population vaccinated. That’s why Mongolia is in the lead right now!!!

Stock Market Covid Recovery

Suppose you compared to the United States, about 42.3% of the entire population of about 139 million people out of 302 million. The US markets are doing phenomenal.


Globally, these are signs that again and again, as I said to people. The Board of Directors and CEOs that the recovery will depend on how fast nations start really vaccinating their citizens and then open businesses.

They can open malls, open shops, and life can continue to normalcy.


Understand global risks remain big because we are still looking at about. 7 billion people that need to vaccinate. If you look at the data that’s coming, only 458 million People are globally fully vaccinated, or 5.9% ~ 6 % of people on the planet are vaccinated.

In turn, increases the chances of variants and mutants bringing another wave of covid risks, not even a billion people have been vaccinated. So, there’s a long recovery. But it’s a positive sign across the planet. It is being affected.

Environmental global temperatures are rising, oceans are heating up and unimagined, oil giants; Exxon Mobil, Shell, and Chevron Industry giants all in the recent days have been Environmental and Shareholder Activists won against management and board members with their Environmental Social and Governance ESG reforms agendas.

Exxon has given up almost three board seats and counting shareholder activists.

Globally USA, EU, Germany, and G7 Ministers are moving towards mandatory climate disclosures.

However, fragile recovery can be hindered by drought and failed crops across California and Globally.

According to Bloomberg, Global food prices are highest in almost a decade. However, the social impacts of poverty food famines across the planet will hinder these robust global stock market rallies!

Short-Term Agility and Long-term Focus

For the board of directors that must continue to keep agile, focus on short-term agility to tweak strategy aligning with the long-term quickly.

Keeping vigilant to long-term focus and eye on the ball to short-term agility. That’s going to be the key out of COVID. 

Let me know how I can be more help you with your boardroom. 

Thanks a lot. 


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